Welcome to the world of containerization, where efficiency, scalability, and ease of deployment converge. Docker has revolutionized the way we build, ship, and run applications, offering a robust solution for managing containers seamlessly. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of Docker, covering fundamental container management, image manipulation, volume handling, network configurations, and the power of Docker Compose.
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Container management
List all running container
docker ps
List all containers including stopped ones
docker ps -a
Run a new container from image
docker run <image name>
Stop running a container
docker stop <container name or ID>
Start a stopped container
docker start <container name or ID>
Pause a running container
docker pause <container name or ID>
Unpause a container
docker unpause <container name or ID>
Info about a container
docker inspect <container name or ID>
Remove a container
docker rm <container name or ID>
Attach to a running container
docker attach <container name or ID>
Excecute a command
docker exec <container name> <command>
Image management
Remove an image
docker rmi <image name or ID>
List all images
docker images
Build an image from a Dockerfile
docker build -t <image name:tag> <path to Dockerfile>
Pull an image from registry
docker pull <image name:tag>
Volume Management:
List all volumes
docker volume ls
Create a volume
docker volume create <volume name>
Remove a volume
docker volume rm <volume name>
Network Management
List all networks
docker network ls
Create a network
docker network create <network name>
Remove a network
docker network rm <network name>
Docker compose
Run container def in Docker compose file
docker-compose up
Stop and remove container
docker-compose down